Kind of a crazy word to be bouncing around in my head lately don't you think?
Unfortunately, it's there for a reason I guess.
There are some who view my position on vaccines as reckless behavior. How on earth can I question.....and put into question what some call the most important medical discovery of modern medicine and infectious disease control history?
Believe me. Many people do not want to hear about it nor will they support it (or me) and they have zero qualms about tearing parents like me down with their actions or words.
Having a child with a vaccine injury redefines people's perception of you. Many are afraid to be associated with such a stance. Institutions constructed to supposedly help children with disabilities have and will shut any sort of vaccine injury conversation down.
Over the last 18 years I've been snuffed off by the best of them. School officials, medical professionals and even church leaders and their staff. To many, it's just not worth supporting (especially going public with) and/or agreeing with the truth of Olivia's suffering. Why? Because it is an extremely controversial subject. There is a boldness that is required to stand by someone like me. Many feel as though the risk of jeopardizing their social and/or financial position is just too high.....even if they believe me.
Although I've been pondering this label for awhile, I wasn't really sure the direction I would take it in my writing. I was torn with the message I would send by bringing up such a sensitive topic. Sensitive for all parties involved. I would emphasize that although initially I was offended when people shut me down during conversations (which was completely evident by the complete disengagement when the subject came up followed by looking over or past me while I explained what really happened to my baby girl) it doesn't anymore. Even if the eye contact doesn't reengage with some folks, taking offense is not worth the swirl of burden and spiritual consequences that cascade when someones opinions collide negatively with your own.
Olivia and I have had a long weekend together. The rest of our house went camping, hiking and boating. Unavailable staffing and Olivia's inability to participate in such a weekend kept us both home while the rest of our family enjoyed quality time and memory making. The plus side of these lonely 96 hours was a reduction in cooking and the increase in music loud as I wanted. Eeeek!! What a bonus.
One listen to this song and I immediately knew how to write about this subject. Coincidentally, (or not coincidentally) the name of the song is "Reckless Love"!!
I agree somewhat with my critics......I may be a tad bit reckless....the main difference is that I'm not reckless, rather my love for my injured daughter is. Who better to explain this important difference better than the author of this song, Cory Asbury. Here's an excerpt from the story behind the song:
"So, when I use the phrase the "Reckless Love" of God. we are not saying that God, Himself, is Reckless. He is not crazy. We are, however, saying that the way He loves is in many regards quite so.
He is utterly unconcerned with the consequences of His actions with regard to his own safety, comfort and well being. His love is not crafty, or slick... its not cunning or shrewd. In fact, all things considered, it is quite childlike, and might I even suggest sometimes down right ridiculous.
His love bankrupted heaven for you...for me. His love doesn't consider Himself first. It isn't selfish or self-serving. He doesn't wonder what He will gain or lose by putting Himself on the line. He simply puts Himself out there on the off chance that you and I would look back to Him and give Him that love in return. His love leaves the 99 to find the 1 Every. Single. Time and to many practical adults that's a foolish concept.
But what if he loses the 99 in finding the 1, right? What if? Finding that one lost sheep is and will always be supremely important. His love isn't cautious. It's a love that sent His own Son to die a gruesome death on a cross.
There is no plan B with the love of God. He gives His heart so completely..... so preposterously that if refused we would think it to be irreparably broken. Yet, He gives himself away again and again and again and again.....time and time again. Make no mistake, our sins do pain His heart and 70 X 7 is a lot of times to get your heart broken and yet He opens up and allows us back in every single time.
His love saw you when you hated him. and all logic said they'll reject me, He said, "Naw,
I don't care what it cost me. I lay my life on the line as long as I get their hearts". Cory Asbury
She bankrupts her heart and pocketbook.....doing anything to bring relief and bring her child back. Her love "doesn't consider herself first. She isn't selfish or self serving. She doesn't wonder what she will gain or lose by putting herself out there". She "puts herself out there on the off chance that her precious child will look back at her and give her that love in return." Painfully priceless.
Her love "leaves the 99 to find the one every time, and to many practical adults it doesn't make sense." She may have to leave old friendships that don't allow for the support she needs to focus on her "lost" child. Some critics talk about the lost child's siblings and the "neglect" those children experience because of the mother's obsession. Really?
Oh, yes, we are warned.....your other child will develop issues, you are choosing one over the other, or my favorite...think of the other children in the family...the neglect. Does this pan out? Why is it that most children who have a seriously ill brother or sister become the most amazing people? No entitlement issues, selfless, caring individuals who actually walk out the Truth Jesus teaches first and They see the suffering, they feel the difference in their family...they learn and develop coping skills...unlike many of today's young adults on college campuses.
There is no plan B for the mother of a vaccine injured child. She "gives her heart so completely, so preposterously." Hers is the heart that's "irreparably broken", yet she gives herself away again and again and again. She takes on the rhetoric from her family and friends, never backing down from the truth they just don't want to hear.
The original context of this parable defines the "lost as a sinner who has lost their way . The righteous, proud individual who's sin has blinded him to God's love. I found a different definition of "lost" that fits with our current situation --
"Denoting something that has been taken away or cannot be recovered" - Merriam-Webster
Olivia has been lost. She's been taken away, and with God's leading she can be recovered. Verse 5 goes on to say:
I'm finding my lost sheep. Slowly, but surely. A mother's "Reckless Love" is merely an imitation of Jesus. Isn't that what we are called to aspire to? Remember that saying....."What Would Jesus Do"? He doesn't give up. On you, me or Olivia.
p.s. This is a powerful video of God's "Reckless Love". As a mother to a couple young adults and a pre-teen, the video provides a visual of God's behind-the-scenes protection as our children make choices in life that seem to separate them from God. He'll leave the 99 each and every time for the 1.